
21 Aug 2004
Thought I'd share a few from a recent trip to Andalucia in Southern Spain. We stayed near Orgiva in the Las Albujarras area. Some great wlaking to be done there though it was a bit hot for it when we were there. The fulll set is here .

As always C&C welcome. :)





A couple more to come...
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6 looks amazing, very good composition, it just feels 'right', 5 is nice too.

I can't help but feel 4 isn't quite right, maybe too light in the background, have you tried HDR'ing it? Or mess with levels untill there's more contrast between the back and foreground.

Nice set though, keep posting!
Really cool shots there!

I love the donkey, lol :D and the tree one before it ... and the door one ... hell! they're all good! ;)

Would love to see the fourth one in colour but I'm guessing the trees in the background have that 'far too hot midday' blue cast to them?

Great shootin'
Great Shots. Especially the Horse/Donkey/Mule?

I like your eye for the door, well recognized. (I wonder why someone would put a door on an orange/olive grove? I've never heard of anybody stealing one before?) :)
ej159 said:
Six could be the default wallpaper for Vista when it comes out :p

I thought maybe the last one as a representation of microsoft's security record.

Thanks for the comments all. Robertgilbert86 it was a very hazy day so not much more I could do with it. I don't have any HDR software so it's not an option either. Looking again there perhaps is too much background which needs cropping off the top. Still I did have to go through over 600 photos after the holiday so the editing's not going to be perfect in all of them.
I like #4 the most probably. #2 had a lot more potetial I think, if you had gone up a bit further and got the whole window in the shot (if it had been possible)
Two and six are excellent, one is pretty good too. How did the last one look in colour?

I realy like the herbs and spices too but the DOF seems a bit too shallow.
RichDay said:
Two and six are excellent, one is pretty good too. How did the last one look in colour?

I realy like the herbs and spices too but the DOF seems a bit too shallow.

Thanks, I'll post the colour version of the last one tonight. Fair point about the DOF, I've got a few more of the herbs that I've not done anything with so I may have another look at that one.

Mohain, I'll do the 4th in colour too while I'm at it.

Colin, I've got one of the full window and it just didn't look as good. The top of it was a bit scruffy and it detracted too much from the peppers.
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