Andi's Weekend In Pics (56k warning)

18 Oct 2002
Had a decent weekend of motoring goodness (that involved me doing no driving at all, oddly :D), so I thought I'd share the pics with you all. Started on Friday at about midnight, with my mate asking if I wanted to go up to Blackpool to see his mates newly mapped car. Wasn't a confirmed thing though, so he text me at 07:30 the next morning to tell me we were off at 08:30 (I wasn't expecting him to ring really, didn't go to bed till 05:30 :knackered:).

After a trip to the local tyre place for two new tyres on his Fiesta, we finally set off about 09:30 to Motorsport Developments in Blackpool. Not many pics, but we went to see a mate pick up his 1.8 Zetec Turbo Fiesta. My god is this thing quick, 210-220bhp in a fiesta, and the turbo chatter is so loud, its fantastic :D


Us on an Esso forecourt. Rawli (my mate)'s Fiesta RS Turbo, with another RS Turbo on the left, and James' Zetec Turbo on the right. I'm the one in the light blue T-Shirt.


The two RS Turbos.
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Then we left the other RS Turbo behind, and went over to see one of James' mates, and to have a good blast round Preston. The journey was awesome, Rawli's RS Turbo thrashing along, chattering away, letting off then letting the Zetec Turbo pass, chattering away too, the looks on people's faces was brilliant.

So we got to Preston and met up with this guy, utter nutter, had a really beat up Jetta he thrashed the nuts off everywhere, even when it was cold, looked well looked after, honest. Shame. Anyway, went over to a retail park and took a few pics and had a chat..



The Zetec Turbo is a real monster, he reckons its just about the right power, it was mega quick, and he's not even switched it onto high boost yet. Makes me want a Mk3 Fiesta..
Sunday, about 12:30, just settling down to watch the F1, and Rawli rings again, do I fancy going up to Preston (again) for an RS meet. Why not. So off we trot down the motorway to a little pub just off the A6. Proper mad seeing all this cars in the middle of a carpark full of people carriers and little hatchbacks and stuff.


Rawli's FRST and a Martini Sierra Cosworth


Bloooo wheels




Awesome Cossies

Nice Saph

Then we convoyed off to the Waterside pub on the docks in Preston. Highlight of the day, thrashing down a nice road with loads of roundabouts on, the faces of people we passed was brilliant. Thrashing round all the roundabouts, some serious sideways action, and the noise was glorious, some fantastic exhaust notes and incredible chatter, so, so loud.


Leaving the pub


First Roundabout


Managed to get a random Escort Finesse caught up in the middle of the convoy

Of all the cars going round this roundabout, I managed to press the button as a Merc went round, ah well. This ones for you Gurdas!


In front...


...and behind


Can imagine the looks as we went through the town centre


Then we managed to get split up, and we got lost

Then this went past..


I swear there was a cossie here when I pressed the shutter..

Discovered we'd actually stopped about 100m from the pub, we'd have seen it if we'd have gone on a bit further. So arrived at the pub, had a drink and a chat, and took a few more pictures.


More Cossies..


More escorts..


..and some chuffing big brakes

And that's how I'll leave it. Apologies for melting your modems. These are actually the edited down pics, I've left the more random ones out, honest..
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Was indeed a top weekend. I'm not a massive ford fan, but I've seen some awesome cars and met some top people this weekend. Making me consider a Mk3 Fiesta as a project/toy ;)

The ZT was amazing, so so quick, and sounded awesome.

And I think (hope ;)) Slime's comment was a joke ;)
lucasade1 said:
Sorry i'm sure your mates are very proud of their cars, but to me they look like nothing more than old discontinued ford's with spoilers on them, c h a v paradise.

Oh dear. If you wish to comment, at least do a little bit of research, or ask, and we'll be pleased to tell you a bit about them. Your showing your obvious lack of knowledge for cars, so why not try to learn a bit? ;)
Don't worry, it hasn't put me off, in fact I'm surprised how well recieved this thread has been, I didn't think this sort of thing interested many people here, if I get any more pics in the future, I'll post them.

I was compiling a list of specs and stuff, but tbh, I think most of it'll go straight over lucasade1's head. I can't say his lack of knowledge about these cars is that shocking, I know to a lot of people these aren't anything special, he's lack of manners in slagging something off he doesn't know anything about is a little disappointing though.

lucasade1, there's a 316 round here thats been completly ruined, and is driven by a complete dick. This doesn't mean your dad is a **** and drives a crap car ;)

The lights on the white fiesta are clear lights, which are, by the owners own admission, becoming a little chavvy, we saw some lovely lights yesterday, and I believe he intends to change his to some the same :)
LoadsaMoney said:
Did that guy have to stand in front of the blonde. :(

That's why I took the photo, but he got in the way :o :D

The soul comment is about right, I love modern cars, I'd much rather own a modern car for day to day, but they don't have the soul of the old school stuff.
[Darkend]Viper said:
I saw the first white Fiesta RST going through preston on sunday. I thought it looked well mint. Might have to find me a little weekend project now.

Looks like a good time was had by all.


Blimey, what are the chances of that. About 4-4:30? We were probably on our way home from this meet then.

The convoy was fantastic, through the town centre everybody turned to look, was brilliant, passed a learner driver at a roundabout, his face was priceless :D
I'd definetly have the cossie, but I really don't like the new evos. The evo is a little too clinical, the cossie however, has bags of character.
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