Andriod cheapish phone

29 Jul 2008
So looking for a cheapish andriod phone, upto 180 to spend.

have looked into the Hawuii phones but there quite a lot of them and unsure which one to go for.

Any suggestions?

plan on getting unlocked phone by the way.
Great option IMO - Getting Official JellyBean soon, great screen, camera, sd slot, big ROM community etc.

lol funny as thats my current phone, i like it a lot though sometmes get annoying by the screen freezes on google chrome (JB i hear will fix a lot of this though)

i have looked on amazon warehouse and they all around 280 quid mark (though they fullfilled ) .

other than that its feabay though a lot more risky ( i got my phone via amazon warehouse)

any other suggestions??( still looking into hawuii phones so keep suggestions for them too)
Depending on your usage needs and how much your willing to stretch that budget you could afford a Nexus4 8GB for an extra £60. Although you would need to wait another 3 weeks or so for them to come back into stock at the Google Play store.
How do you think you're going to get a better phone than an S2 for £180? You're not :p

+1 Nothing will top the S2 for that money - except a second hand Galaxy Nexus depending on your needs. It has a better screen and JB stock software, lesser camera and 16GB storage.
Thing is I can't find a decent second hand one for the that price, ATM best price I've seen is 235...
So search goes on it seems..

But that's your current phone o.0

Oh, you're not buying for yourself, oh I see. I thought you were trying to upgrade from an S2 with £180

e; You can buy mine for.. £200 :p
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