Android 2.3 users

18 Oct 2002
We have an android demo app that shows off our data and predictions bossiness. Although it is a demo app we want it used by as many people as possible so currently the code supports everything from Android 2.3 up. however, their are many API changes from ICS (4.0) onwards we would like to use but this breaks backwards compatibility and coding this in has resulted in messy and complex code. This wouldn't be an issues if the app was our main business but it is just a demo so we can't afford to spend much dev time maintaining all of this.

Any thoughts on what will happen to all the Android 2.3 devices in the next 6 months, or who these users are? Our expectation is that a lot of people who own such phones are less likely to be interested in our app. Our target audience may be likely to use navigation apps and such like.
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