Android App Uni Project

28 May 2008
In to final year in Uni and after teaching myself some android development over the summer and also doing a mobile computing module I have decided to do an Android App for my final year project. There are proposals from teachers on basic apps I could chose but they aren't very imaginative and not many to go round 130 odd students so I'm sure there are ones with better mark averages from 2nd year who will get dibs over me (best marks get first choice)

Sooo basically I wanna make my own idea but I'm concerned in choosing something that will either be impractical or impossible in the time frame. Any ideas or even guidelines from anyone who has experience in Uni projects or even an Android Uni Project that could give me a few pointers. Obviously I'm not asking for someone to come up with the whole idea for me but just a few ideas to get me brainstorming.

Thanks :)

edit *one idea I had would be an app that streamlines all video streams of a popular MMO (like Warcraft) game for example into one app and you could chose and watch them

another would be an app that would hold a database of university lecturers timetables and you could check when they are available, message/email them request meetings etc

Would these be difficult to do for a final year project?*
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