Android bluetooth audio

15 Feb 2003
I've noticed that on Android music or other audio playing via bluetooth will stop/pause when a new bluetooth device is connected or disconnected.

For example I listen to some music via bluetooth headphones. I leave the house and when I get far enough away from my bluetooth speaker it disconnects and thus the music pauses, even though the music was playing through by headphones. I press play again, and enjoy the music, until I get to my vehicle, where the phone connects to the car the music pauses again.

This behaviour is pretty annoying, and doesn't happen on iOS.

Is there a setting to stop this? I know I can tell it that audio should never be played through some devices, but that doesn't make sense in this scenario.
That really depends on the phone and in some cases the app too. There's so many flavours of Android, each manufacturer having their own spin on what BT behaviour should be.

I know Poweramp offers you to disable this but it's for local music files only.
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