Android Keyboard issues

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

Has anyone else noticed a drop in quality of their keyboard/written text on android?

I initially thought it was just my S7, I had 2 updates within a month and then it's just gone to ****.

And for instance is constantly replaced with a d, when I press and hold this suggestion from the shortcuts/suggested words I don't get the option to delete it. I seem to spend more time correcting words than I do typing it out, I've even started using WhatsappWeb just because it's quicker to boot the laptop and type than do it via phone.

Now, my wife's just had an S9 and it's exactly the same straight out of the box.

Is it a known issue? any fixes?

I don't really want to start messing about installing 3rd party keyboards and I've heard some of those are experiencing similar issues so it appears that it's Android itself that's messed up.
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