Android offline mapping application

12 Aug 2003
North London
Hi guys...

I'm loving my G1, I'm getting on really well with the Android OS and the whole Google integration, I doubt I could be happier with any other mobile OS right now.... except for one major thing.

There does not seem to be an "offline" mapping application, and by that I mean an application which stores the maps localy on the phones memory or sd card, instead of requiring a network or wifi connection to stream the data online.

Im looking for something like Nokia maps on the S60 Symbian phones.

Does anyone know of anything out there?
Yea I saw it when browsing the Android Market earlier this evening. Its £22ish though.

- Does anyone know if its full european mapping as well?

...if anyone has heard of a free app this would be awesome!
Yea I saw it when browsing the Android Market earlier this evening. Its £22ish though.

- Does anyone know if its full european mapping as well?

...if anyone has heard of a free app this would be awesome!

yes but then the price is 50 odd quid.
Thanks for all the help so far guys.

@Skully: the OS Map app seems pretty usefull in its own right so I got that anyways, thanks for the suggestion.

Bit of background: Im going away to Prague in Novemeber, and want to have a map on the phone which I can browse (and get my current location using GPS) but without having to use a data connection (because this will be cost loads of money while roaming).
Having just had a quick look at the market, I think Mapdroyd might be what you're looking for.

Ive downloaded MapDroyd and accompanying ContentDroyd app needed to download the maps. Will be using them over the next few days to load the phone with some maps and see how it all works.

First impressions seem good, and seems to be what Ive been asking for. Thanks v. much z0mbi3
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