Android Unified Comms App

3 Jun 2005
The South
Hi all,
I've been using Blackberry's 'Inbox' app for years which attempts to replicate their 'Blackberry Hub' from BBOS 10 - a feature i massively miss from my Blackberry days where it consolidates all of your comm apps (emails, messaging/social media apps, 'recent' phone calls, SMS, calendars) notifications and data all into one app.
However, it's looking like Blackberry aren't going to update the app to include email OAuth and so by the end of summer/the year, a load of my email accounts (mostly Microsoft based) will stop working with it.

I've been on the hunt on-and-off for a handful of days looking for a replacement and whilst there are plenty of unified email apps (currently giving K-9 a whirl), i've yet to find something that replicates the same, or even similar, feature set as Blackberry's 'Inbox'.

So in the slimmest of off-chances that i've missed an app on my travels, does anyone know of a suitable replacement?

Tar all :)
Man, the BlackBerry Priv was my favourite phone of all time. That also had the Hub and it was fantastic.
IIRC, it's the same set of apps although it had better integration with Blackberry's variant of Android; you get duplication of phone call records and a few other funky 'features' on other Android phones.

Blackberry hub was great though, one place to check all your comms which was extremely handy on work phones when you have a 'million' email accounts. I would still rock a BBOS phone if i could.

I still haven't found a replacement and i can't really see Blackberry fixing the issue and updating the 'Inbox' app with OAuth authentication for email accounts - shame :(
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