Android WordFeud usernames

29 Jul 2004
Hey everyone,

WordFeud is available for Android AND iOS, and as you can see we are having a lot of fun!
So join in!!


( Skyfall clearly has a lot on his mind :o ;) )

Instead of clogging the other thread up lets all put our usernames on here and play each other this way
I'll update the original post to add all the usernames


Deep - Deep0
chrisxuk - chrisxuk
mcwildcard - mcwildcard
Khaaan! - Khaaan!
Skyfall - Skyfall
Clown - Clwn
roboffer - offer
Voxination - Voxination
[SKR]Phoenix - SKRPhoenix
Russinating - Russinating
Lucero - Lucero79
KoR - reefoid
Grrrrr - Maskell
Mansize_tissue - Mantis87
EniGmA1981 - EniGmA1981
Gigi - KeithMcC
Nexus18 - Nexus18
benjo - benjo-uk
foyman - foyrtcw
gumbald - gumbald
TheOtherOption - TheOtherOption
Masterdog - Briggykins
Bri- BiggBadBri
Vonsteve - Vonsteve
00bob00 - INFIN
Eclectic - Eclectik
UncertainGod -Sp4rkR4t
Nazca - nazca
Luke - emailiscrap
SwishSpencor - SwishSpencor
JamesRJ - JamesRJ
Fegruson - fegruson
chipperhead - chipperhead
Raz84 - Raz84
Pigeon_Killer - Cornish Pasty
osc89er - osc89er
randal24 - randal24
XiS111 - CXiS
yak.h'cir - MajorManlove
-Neil- - -Neil-
Gravity - Decyther
DarkShadow - dark_shadow
PiKe - cspiby
molinari - molinari
Stupot_ - Stupot_
leoN88 - leon778
mrfun1981 - mrfun1981
krooton - kr00t0n
Six6siX - len_c
sgx.saint - Saint2K
BlackCoat2k10 - Mr.Gilroy
Kanifee - kanifee
Hamster - pablos
TheVoice - TheVoice
Raptor - Raptor!
Stellios - Stellios
MeddlE -
strang3r - strangefly
Mr Jones - Mr Jones
Grahame - grahameys
farmer - Farmer_uk1
Pookie Bear - PookieB
Sharlaw - Sharlaw
Keyser Soze - keyser.soze
yhack - yhack
rs1800 - rs1800
rotters - rotters77
mattyprice4004 - mattyprice4004
Lum - Lum_UK
TRiP - trip197
snapdragon - 5N4PDR4G0N
Jez.Blake - jez.blake
Sin_Chase - Sin_Chase
englishpremier - wayofthedarkhand
roboffer - offer
HumanShield - waynerob
godinman -marlowmania
Docaroo - docaroo
A2Z - aldoz
"slinky" - Slinky1989
SKILL - NoSkilleth
Jongo - Jongs
KaczMan - KaczMan
kae2 - TheAndy
pmbuzz - pmbuzz
PianoBasher - PianoBasher
SourChipmunk - SourChipmunk
MikeHunt79 - F7.U12
tomk11 - tomk11
Embed - Embed101
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I keep playing random people, who then resign when they're getting walloped.

QUA with a correctly placed TL was a nice 64 pointer.

I was playing a game today, and on the 2nd word I got a 160 pointer! (I am impressed with myself but it was pure fluke)

Me and mrfun1981 ended the game there and went back to a normal board match, its just better and more challenging.

Also as an addition BiggBadBri I will beat you one day!
Just had a good game with "Deep0" i was winning & he said "well done for the win" as i was about 18 points in front. We both passed as we couldnt make any more words.

An Deep0 was shocked cos he won the game, he never know that if you got tiles left you have them points taken off your final score.....He ended up winning by 1 point!

I want my revenge lol

Bring it ;)!
MrFun1981 put the idea forward that we should have a mini tournament type thing.
I'm all for it (even though I wont win, or come close!)

Anyone else for it?

Also I need some new challengers!
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