Angels and Demons (film)

11 Jan 2005
Just found out that they're going to be making Dan Brown's earlier book Angels and Demons into a film. Imo this book is a lot better than the Da Vinci code and as soon as I read it I thought this would make a great film.

They did an alright job on TDVC, so I'm very much looking forward to this.

Only link I can find I'm afraid, you need to be signed up to imdb pro to see it on there. :(

Edit - Just noticed Gisele Bundchen is playing Vittoria, if thats not a reason to go see it I don't know what is! ;) :p
Gisele - sweet!! :p

I thought this book was probably his best one although I think the end ruined it and was so over the top - which I guess makes for a better film though?/??

Always good to see on the big screen though
this was by far my fav book cant wait to see the film need to catch up on the book again as i havnt read it in a while
I'm not so sure that it was the better book. The ending and build up to the ending was just so ridiculous it kind of spoiled it for me.
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