Angels Fall First FPS/SPACE WAR

23 May 2009
Looks good one to keep an eye on!

Angels Fall First is a truly first person sci-fi war game.

From commanding the battle standing on the bridge of your flagship all the way down to serious infantry firefighting - with everything in between - AFF brings together all the war you ever loved.

Featuring team-based gameplay, and offering a wide selection of weapons and tools, ground vehicles and spacecraft, AFF includes Full bot support. This means you can co-op versus AI, play entirely offline, or earn glory in full PVP matches.

Fully operational capital spacecraft with full playable interiors can be boarded in order to capture them, or to destroy them from the inside.

Games encompass both fleet and infantry combat - work together to assault spacestations, shipyards and vessels in realtime.

Dogfight in a space interceptor

Command a ground assault from the tacmap

Assume point to clear a building

Hunt with a frigate wolfpack as a lineship captain.

Order Open Fire All Weapons on your battleship bridge

Fight hard, earn medals. Wear them to access new and fancy kit or vehicle mods.

Another space game?

Well, we've been doing this a long time :) AFF has been a rich universe of fiction and art since 2005. We made a homeworld mod, and kept building from there. Work started on an Unreal Tournament 2004 mod, but was ported over to UT3 in 2007, culminating in a 3rd place grand prize in 2009's MakeSomethingUnreal contest.

Angels Fall First - the FPS game is, for us, a mission to enable the player to do as much as possible in a vast environment - whilst still retaining the focussed, fun experience of match based FPS games.

Way back in the back-whens, we loved Tie Fighter. A little later on, we loved Battlefield. We waited patiently for the game which would inevitably unite the vast scale and spacefights with the close and personal firefights and thunderous vehicle battles...

But it never really appeared. Many games came close, but there was always some part missing. You couldnt get out of your spaceship, you couldnt get INTO your spaceship, you had big spaceships but you couldnt run around in them, you could run around in your big spaceship but you couldnt fly it and so on and so forth and gahd damMIT! Where was our spacefight groundfight game?!

So, we set ourselves to work. AFF exists because it MUST exist. Only in AFF can you spawn in your crew quarters, run to the bay watching the space fight out of the windows, launch a dropship, fight through the defenders to the enemy flagship, breach the hull, run and gun your way to the bridge and sHOOT THE ENEMY CAPTAIN IN THE BACK OF THE NECK.

Calm Down

Ok. but it's this slightly twitchy passion which has driven us to create such a monster. We grew old making this, and we got grumpy watching all the hipsters release their cool i-plate games or whatever. We're from a time when games were about blowing stuff up for points and glory.

We're also a bit suspicious of all this free game stuff, and asking people to pay for the game before the game exists. So we built the game FIRST (i know rite?) and it's likely that we'll charge a traditional purchase price - then leave you alone to enjoy the full game with no absurd limitations forcing you to pay or suffer.
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Looks interesting from the video. Would be interested in playing it when it's released, just need some wingmen to make it more enjoyable :)
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