
12 Sep 2012
East Sussex
some on has taken a grinder to my RSV!!!! while at work (very much out of the way from public i would like to add)
some one has grinded off the chain round my rsv and in the progress caught the swing arm! good few mm. the bike is no in the warehouse.!!!
very ****ed!
Holy ****... Have you annoyed anyone lately? Any car drivers who took exception to something you did, acting in blind rage?

nope we dont have cctv despite me recommending it a number of times.
unlikely to of upset any 1, i ride to work occasionally and its 30 miles aware from where i live.
i do accept the bike is very noisy but it is a v twin ..
Well you have a case to put forward regarding CCTV now at least...

Maybe you'll get it now. Every cloud and all that... Will it be an expensive repair? I have no experience with modern bikes. :confused:
Well you have a case to put forward regarding CCTV now at least...

Maybe you'll get it now. Every cloud and all that... Will it be an expensive repair? I have no experience with modern bikes. :confused:

if only. the pool cars have been damged a number of times.
they dont really care.


il either leave it or get a second hand swing arm
sometimes they break the chain hoping you'll carry on parking it there unsecured and they can nick it

some **** cropped my padlock over in Birmingham and left it just the same

if its aluminium and its not too deep you can try polishing it out? or get it filled in with weld and polish it back
Attempted theft by the sounds of it, if by chain you mean security chain vs drive chain.

Sounds like someone disturbed them or they were't able to get the bike away.

Away from the public doesn't always mean a good thing, I'd rather park in a busy public area vs an alley away from prying eyes any day of the week.

No neighbouring busineses have CCTV? Beware of repeat attacks, they may come back for your bike knowing you now have no security chain, or this may have been a preemptive strike and they're planning on coming back with 4 burely guys and a transit van. :(
security chain round the back wheel, i have another chain but ye.
its hard to explain the bike was near the entrance for delivery and we are at the very end of a industrial estate ( near a woods) where bikes do get taken. for abuse when stolen.
i will put the bike right at the doors as they are open and people do work there in the future.
Actually that's pretty easy to repair, any good ali welder will fill that in without too much trouble, then just polish out the weld marks.
Actually that's pretty easy to repair, any good ali welder will fill that in without too much trouble, then just polish out the weld marks.

we have a welder here who is a specialists in vacuum welding but he might be the man to ask. we are a vacuum science company.
we have a welder here who is a specialists in vacuum welding but he might be the man to ask. we are a vacuum science company.

Well as a coded MIG/TIG welder it's a 5 min job, granted I normally work in LCS & SS but still, I don't see anything from that piccie that would make me sweat tbh.
Actually that's pretty easy to repair, any good ali welder will fill that in without too much trouble, then just polish out the weld marks.

The RSV swing arms are polished and anodised, so it's never going to be an invisible repair, unless you get the whole thing powder coated etc.

Definitely don't leave it though, you don't want stress raisers like that in a critical suspension part (the 2004 RSV swing arms were prone to cracking from the factory due to a small hole being drilled where it shouldn't.).
The RSV swing arms are polished and anodised, so it's never going to be an invisible repair, unless you get the whole thing powder coated etc.

Definitely don't leave it though, you don't want stress raisers like that in a critical suspension part (the 2004 RSV swing arms were prone to cracking from the factory due to a small hole being drilled where it shouldn't.).

thats handy to know, i will take a look on the bay for one
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