
18 Oct 2002
SW London
So, who knows this and is it worth learning?
My day job is building Windows applications, mostly using WPF as a front end technology.
As flawed as WPF is, it does a lot of stuff pretty well and whenever I've used Web frameworks I've always found them lacking compared to what WPF provides.

I've done a bit of reading and it looks like Angular goes some way to addressing these issues and it's got me interested.
For those of you who are familiar with it would you recommend using it and can you provide any good resources to help me learn?
Never built anything enterprise level with it, but it is fairly fun to build with. I'm not quite a fan of the "Lets stick everything on as a attribute with custom DOM elements" but it gets the job done.

The only thing I really like about libs like AngularJS and Ember is the data-binding - that is certainly something I could make use of with the right platform architecture. But I'm not sure i'd use either of these just for data-binding.

What are the "Issues" you've had with other libs?

It's mostly the data binding that I'm talking about. I'm used to doing things this way, and from what I can tell (though I'm far from an expert) most web frameworks involve generation of front end code from the server, which after getting used to being able to just bind a value to a viewmodel/controller, seems a bit backwards and a lot of work! I'm sure there are ways around that though - I've just never found the inclination to do enough web stuff to find it! I think Angular just seems more famililar to what I'm used to.

As far as SEO goes, most of what I do now is internal software for corporate clients. Most of the web roles that I'm seeing coming through within my industry are similar sorts of things, so I don't suppose I'd have to worry about that too much. Always good to be aware of any potential issues if I do public facing websites though.
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