Animals trapped in cars...

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey all,

Was just having a discussion with the girlfriend after seeing a story on the news about a dog that died today after being left in a car for four hours with no windows open.

Now, if ever I was in a situation where I saw a dog distressed and trapped in a hot car, I'd smash the window without hesitation and get the poor little guy out of there. And I'm sure most on here would do the same.

The discussion we were having was that obviously that would be criminal damage, and if the owner saw you and reported you to the police, they'd probably charge you and go through the motions with a court case or whatever may happen in that situation. But in this particular situation, with the owner of the animal obviously breaking the law with regards to animal cruelty, would you be let off given the circumstances or would you both in fact be charged with a crime?

It may be a very simple answer and no discussion required, I was just curious!

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