Animating logo?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi, I'd like to animate my logo for use at an exhibition I'm going to be at later in the year. The logo itself is fairly basic (I don't have the art work files yet or I would post it), but the word concept is on the top line and the word accountancy underneath it on a separate line. The 2 o's line up above each other with a small line under them.

What I would like is some sort of transition where both words appear and then the o's "fall" into the small line and then reappear to complete the logo.

Can anyone give me some advice on how I can go about achieving the effect? I had thought about using one of those freelancer sites but thought I would see if it's possible to do it myself first perhaps.

After Effects is probably your best bet. Download a 30 day trial of CS6 direct from Adobe. No limitations. Bit of a learning curve though if you want to do it yourself.

I'm a freelance motion graphics artist so let me know if you have a budget and I can let you know what you can expect hours wise etc.
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