Anno type game?

13 Mar 2004
Hi everybody!

Been looking for ages for a new game to sink my teeth into. I recently fired up old favourites Startopia and anno 2070 but I've played these to death.

I'm after a RTS/Management type game where you build a base, city or empire and just improve on it, trade, combat and expand.

I tried the recently released Aven colony but after 4 hours it just felt repetitive and empty although it shows some potential. Im Hoping there's a few gems out there I haven't heard about.

I've already got...

Tropical 4+5
A few total war games
Planetary annihilation
Planet coaster
Cities skylines
Civ 5

Hoping you lot have some good suggestions, thanks in advance!
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Cheers for the replies chaps, i've already got banished.

Might give Northgard a look. Not exactly the genre ive asked about but foxhole looks interesting too.
I've never played it due to the whole dumbing down thing you mentioned. If i can find it cheap enough i might give it a blast. Is there still a continuous mode like sandbox?
I picked up anno 2205 with all the DLC for £15 and whilst a bit more simplified than the previous games it's been fairly enjoyable. Combat is terrible though!!

I also picked up factorio and it's the most overwhelming game I've ever played!
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