Annoying problems in BF2 since 1.3 patch!

17 Dec 2004
Since the 1.3 patch I have been getting stuttering in game, thought it might be lag at first but but my ping is at like 10 and my fps is at 80 so it can't be that.

Is anyone else getting this and is there a way to solve it?
Will give it ago, as for the graphics settings i havn't touched them since the patch and they were fine before.

I am also getting a thudding comming form the subwoofer of my Z5450s whats causing that?
Well i downloaded the 400mb+ dl in over an hour :eek: And installed it and it does seem to have lessened the lag/stuttering.

As for the disconnection notice yes i have been getting this more often as well right annoying when your about to creep up on someone only to freeze get the disconnetion thing and have to exit the server :mad:

Also my BFHQ seems to be broken as well. Since i upgraded to Master Sergant my progress bar is at max and it says i am gonna upgrade to a First Sergant wtf??? :confused:
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