Annoying sound from mobile phone through speakers

25 Oct 2002
location: location
I think we all know about this. When my mobile is about to ring, or sometimes just randomly, i hear buzzing sound signal through my speakers (connected to amp). Is there any known way of stopping this from happening?
Do i need to earth my speakers? If so then what is the easiest way and could it cause any damage to my equipment?

Change networks!

Happens with my current phone on O2 but when i was on orange a while back i didn't have the problem. The networks are all on different frequencies which explains it
You may be right. When i was with 3 this didn't happen. Only with O2 for me too. Do you think they'll let me out of my contract 14 month early? ;)
move the phone away from the amp or headphones

I get this if my mobiles (vodafone and O2) are near my amp (about 30cms from it)

are you saying that you get this even with the mobile over a metre away?
It's electromagnetic interference and is basically your phone performing a quick sync with the cell tower, a phenomenon you can do nothing to prevent other than purchasing magnetically shielded speakers or do what Magic Man says! :p
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