Annoying words that people use

1 Aug 2005
This morning I was talking to my girlfriend and it occured to me for the first time that she uses a fair amount of words that I've never known anyone else to use, but that really wazz me off.

The other day she described something as 'dreamy' and when something's particularly nice she'll say it's "to die for". This is also an expression my mum uses and it's really annoying!!

However, the word she uses the most that annoys me is when something's warm she says it's "toastie". As in, the "weather's so toastie today".

Is it just me or is that really infuriating?? Where do people get these words from and what makes them thing it's a good idea to use them??! How do I stop it other than stuffing a sock in her mouth for the best part of the day [or ball gag]?

I will now terminate my miserable existence. Goodbye.
Or people who end a sentence with 'so'.

"and we went to the pub and Jonny and James turned up, had loads of beer and it was a good night, so.."

So?? So what?!
Wtf is zoot?

Apart from this:

dirtydog said:
Do you mean when people use it superfluously at the end of a sentence?

Or when people use it instead of isn't it. The latter is fine with me.

Both are awful.

My gf used to have the 'black' trait of pronouncing 'seen' as 'sin'. Like "nah, I haven't sin that".

We soon put a stop to that!! Hah!
shifty_uk said:
Do not watch the Jeremy Kyle show then! :p

Garbage class pratt.

"right... now, I'm gonna tell you something. No -- YOU listen to ME. This is MY SHOW. She - here - you see her?? - she loves you but she can't raise a kid on her own when you're out every night on the lash so soooooort it out!!! Get yerself a job and stop mooching around like a pillock!!"

*cue rapturous applause*

Any word uttered by Jeremy Kyle annoys me. It doesn't matter what they are.
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