Anonymous's message to elon musk

Why does that sound like Musk through a voice changer? LOL

Did someone lose money on doge? gets awfully whiny towards the end for Anonymous.
So an anonymous group is going to 'save the world' from a nymous dude with an apparent (assigned) saviour complex?
Could be hilarious if a good comic would make a parady account of this but also remain anonymous.

Anyone could make these videos and test how gullible people are. It would be a fun social experiment. I wouldn't put the effort in other than the thought though (no Pinky & the Brain vibes here).
Anonymous have no structure, no leader, no official media releases, this is just "someone" releasing a video and claiming to be a member. Thats all any of these "releases" ever are.
Do you want a real Hank Scorpio, because that's how you get a real Hank Scorpio.
What they going to do hack all of his cars and control them all? idiots.

Its becoming a possibly with them all being cloud linked and computer controlled.

Eventually someone is going to hack the maps, lock the user out and send them off a cliff or all to Elon's house. It will be hilarious (for people who dont own one).
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I miss the old Anonymous. It lost its way/got hijacked around the time of the original 'occupy' protests.

This is just a slightly more abrupt version of a Guardian opinion piece on social justice.
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