Another £200 upgrade question

18 Oct 2002
Can't make up my mind what would benefit my PC most. Got £200 to spare and maybe a little more if needed.

Current spec:-

DFI Ultra D NF4
AMD3000 A64 Winchester (clocked to a smidged over 2ghz)
6600GT PCI-E 128mb - clocked again
1GB geil value.

All other bits are fine. Plenty of HD space and DVD burner etc.

Used for games (a lot of Dawn of War which it runs without issue, but it struggles with the new breed of FPS F.E.A.R. etc) and internet etc.

Any help appreciated. Can't quite work out which bit I should upgrade first. Should I get some more RAM (2X 1GB sticks) or faster CPU or chunkier GFX card?
If I just went for a gfx card, is the suggested X1800XL better than a 7800GT? OC have them at about the same price (£220 Leadtek or £245 for the BFG)

However, isn't the CPU a little slow? I don't mind OC'ing it a bit but don't want to go bonkers - anyone know how far these go "usually" on an artic cooler fan?

As for memory, I think there was some issue running 4X512 sticks rather than 2X1GB but I can't remember what it was - I've always just assumed if I upgrade the RAM it will have to be via 2X 1GB sticks.
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