Another 2Gig question lol



27 Nov 2005
Hello everyone, a little advice please, as I,m a bit simple!
This is my first half decent rig..
A8n-e Wd160 sata X2 3800+ 6600gt
Currently have 1g of ram installed (although I don,t know what make etc)
During what I think is called the POST it reads
1024 single channel 333.

I am just getting into video editing, so assume that more/better/faster memory will benefit me.

I have done searches on here, but there is so much I get cunfused!

I am using Asus, software o/c prog, AiBooster, and running at 2.2g, (on auto).

Budget not really an issue, but I would like to think under £300
Could you suggest any 2g kits that would be suitable pls.

Last thing, upon installing diffent memory (or before) would I need to put any settings, such as the AiBooster back to original default values?

Thanks a load. Russ.
I'm a little worried why it says Single Channel 333 during POST. The board and CPU can handle Dual Channel AFAIK so that would see an increase when running in that mode. Have yoy got 2x512Mb modules atm, or just 1x1Gb module? Also it should be reading 400 not 333... might just be a setting within the BIOS so no big deal, easily sorted. ;) See if there is an option set to AUTO in the memory area of the BIOS for a Divider or Ratio and see if its set to 1:1 (perhaps its because of the AiBooster). This should make the RAM run at 400Mhz in line with the CPU.

RAM wise... well AMD's like tight timings and unless you are going to overclock to the max I'd advise you stick personally with a PC3200 kit. The G.Skill range is good, and the prices are very resonable. How about,

G.Skill 2GB DDR ZX PC3200 (2x1GB) CAS2 Dual Channel Kit - £152.69

It has the best timings and can overclock slightly too. :)

EDIT: Oh, yeah I'd advise you set everything back to default before putting the new memory in. :)
Thanks Firegod. I had a fiddle in the bios, but couldn,t find what you suggested. ( changed a couple of things that looked promising, but then wouldn,t boot aaahrrr!. Put back again.)

Think it,s best I just buy the kit you suggested.

Thanks a million. Russ.
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