Another Battlefield 2 help thread: Hard lock-up

21 Jul 2005
hey all, i come to you today with a need for assistance, ive searched high and low for a solution and it is now bugging me, basically after about 5 seconds of being ingame in battlefield 2 it locks up and i have to hard reboot to get back to windows, this only happens in multiplayer and the problems is DEFINATLEY related to windows updates, everything is fine with all the updates upto service pack 1, as soon as i install service pack 2 with all the other updates it does this,

this makes me think that

a: its definatley network driver related
b: must be the cause of some kind of network security brought in by the updates,

if anyone has any ideas as to what part of the service pack or what update could be the problem then please help me out abit.

thanks in advance
basically the game image freezes and i cant alt tab, esc or any other variation without hard rebooting the computer, this always happens within 10 seconds of joining a game.
Sounds like a 3dcard issue, did you per chance update the drivers through windows update? make sure you're using the ones from the manufacturers website.
yeah yeah, im no fool when it comes to troubleshooting, i thought you guys could add some decent input into the situation, if it was a video card related why doesnt it do it in single player?
Firewall problem?

When i first installed it i loaded it up and Zonealarm asked for permission to allow it to access the net, i ticked always and then yes.

However, its also needs server permission but instead of tabbing out and asking for it it used to just lock up the game requiring a reboot of the PC.

Went into Zonealarm, gave always access to server request and it never had the problem again until i update some windows items or the game!
im on a fresh install and dont have any personnal firewall installed, other than that of service pack 2, i have checked to makesure bf2.exe is allowed and it is indeed it is, does anyone think it might be some hidden firewall settings that effect battlefield 2? it must be something in sp2 causing the issue i jus need to work out what
try turning off windows firewall, try loading the game and see what happens. If it works you know its the firewall, if it doesnt its just another thing to tick off the list.

I'll try some of my friends as i know some of them had similar problems.
i had the exact problem a while back. I bet this is your problem. If it is you have a nforce 4 motherboard with the drivers that came with the cd, go to nvidia site and get the new drivers for the motherboard. The locking up is a punkbuster problem ONLY happens on punkbuster servers. Hopefully that is your problem and you can now fix it :)
Andy Pandy said:
i had the exact problem a while back. I bet this is your problem. If it is you have a nforce 4 motherboard with the drivers that came with the cd, go to nvidia site and get the new drivers for the motherboard. The locking up is a punkbuster problem ONLY happens on punkbuster servers. Hopefully that is your problem and you can now fix it :)

bloomin brilliant! problem solved! i dunno how i could overlook something as fundemental as chipset drivers but i presumed the ones i installed where decent enough, cant thank you enough mate!
not a problem :) i had the problem for a year and it was doing my head in. Something so silly like that stops punkbuster from working glad its all ok
I've not been able to play BF2 since I've installed my new graphics card. Previously had an AGP 6800U, now I have ATi 1900XT and it just give me the BSOD upon loading all the maps.....ideas anyone, maybe un-install and re-install?


P.S. Sorry to hi-jack the thread but there are so many "Problems with BF2" threads I thought we could do without another.
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