Another dead PS3 for me....

12 May 2005
Another Dead PS3, this will be the third one I've now had sent to me from Sony Customer Care... They were at first going to take it away for repair and quoted 21 day turn around, but after the operator noticed that this was already a replacement for my first PS3, they decided to swap it for another refurb unit on Wed next week.

Blu ray drive is buggered, will not read any disks.... PS3 have a poor track record so far, within a year two have died, not overly impressed with the hardware, but Sony Support always seems ok, quick turn around if you complain enough...

Just bought a PSP as well, so hope that lasts longer..... Got the PSP for remote play, which works rather well with PS3....
Another Dead PS3, this will be the third one I've now had sent to me from Sony Customer Care... They were at first going to take it away for repair and quoted 21 day turn around, but after the operator noticed that this was already a replacement for my first PS3, they decided to swap it for another refurb unit on Wed next week.

Blu ray drive is buggered, will not read any disks.... PS3 have a poor track record so far, within a year two have died, not overly impressed with the hardware, but Sony Support always seems ok, quick turn around if you complain enough...

Just bought a PSP as well, so hope that lasts longer..... Got the PSP for remote play, which works rather well with PS3....

Yeah, I'm on my 3rd too but the first one was really my fault. Got dusty as hell and buggered the fans.

I've been offered a refurb replacement straight away both times I've called. No real OTT complaining needed. Just called, said what was wrong with it and they said they'd be around with a refurb whenever I want. Result. :p

I don't think I've ever heard of a problem with a PSP other than user caused issues like cracked screens, top missing from analogue stick, bricked console etc. Maybe the only fault I've heard of being dead pixels.
Well, I've just had Sony Customer care call me back in regards to my PS3 and a refurb unit is on the way, but as a jesture of goodwill they will extend the warranty period from three months to a whole year, as I've already had two previous failures..

But this is only as I complained that I have no faith in the hardware to last three months, and do not want to be charged £128 to replace it should it fail again within 12 months...

So, not all bad, but still not great. Its still a refurb, and after 12 months it could still die on me.....
Buy a Wii.

No but I do think Sony take the 'wii' out of consumers with their hardware support...

the console isn't as rock solid as they'd let you believe.... less then three months before a refurb dies simply isn't up to scratch. Reason I complained to push for a longer warranty period..

If I'd not gotten longer warranty my plan was to wait past two months and trade up for a slim to get 12 months again, but now I'll wait 12 months and then trade up to get warranty again, and new console...

the faith in the hardware isn't enough, I thought Xbox360 was bad, I feel their pain. Least MS swap out RROD for free, Sony - anything past 12 months... that'll be £128 please sir... Yeah right..!! Thanks Sony.
3rd:( , thats bad luck , luckily im still on my 1st 40gig model , mind you i dont play on it loads and loads , sometimes i will play it for a week non stop and then have a rest from it for a week or so , if anything does go wrong with it i will proberly spend my hard earned cash on the new slim
Well got my new PS3, why does it always feel as though I'm using someone else's console for a few days each time I get a refurb?? lol

Anyhow, updated to 3.01 and my last PS3 had a TV and BBC iPlayer icon in XMB, this one however doesn't..

But then I've not signed into PSN yet as I've not set that up but I do have a 03 UK model PS3 so maybe once I sign into PSN that'll fix that...

Also, this one has plastic wrapping caught in the back, between the lid and the back panel, looks like packaging. Tried to pull it out, but is not going to happen, nice to see quality control at is finest at sony's china refurb plant.... Why china refurb, as all the labels said "made in china".. nice.!!

Still ripped out the old 40GB HDD and just put in a western digital 500GB so that'll keep me going for a while...

I'll finish it off tonight when back home from work, then finally I may be able to play Killzone 2 and Dirt 2 that I purchased just as the last one died on me.. :)
Because "my console just died" threads get posted 2-3 times a day? Theres a sticky up at the top for a reason.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck OP.

how would buying a wii help? he has a blown ps3 not a thirst to blow money on uneccessary fad-ish items!
Buy a Megadrive.

:D you know, never did buy one... am I bit too late for one of these now? Do you think I'd be able to play blu ray on one of these...:p:D

I was just a bit peev'ed that another PS3 had died on me... Once, ok, but twice is erm... Hmmm and if this one goes, then I really will be a bit miffed.

PS3's aren't cheap, and seeing as you have no choice but to repair or buy another if out of warranty if you have a pile of PS3 games its not funny.

If a DVD player went **** up, you'd buy another brand if you had no faith in the brand that failed... With sony PS3 you've no choice, so I guess this is why you get so many of these threads.....
antonusklesk said:
I'm curious about the dying console issue.

When a console dies a thread is created. When a console doesn't die a thread isn't created. This equals console issues looking more worse than they actually are in the grand scheme of things. I.e. PS3s and newer 360s are probably ball-point 10% failure rate so don't worry too much.
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