Another free computer

30 Jan 2019
Why an earth would somebody chuck this out? I picked it up from an office as a computer that was going to be chucked away and it was free so I thought it will be good for some parts.

When I first saw it in person I was a bit doubtful whether it would work. It has no hard drive and full of dust. Its got a LGA1150 board in there and has a quad core with 8 GB DDR3 Ram.

I took the cover off and set it up when I got home to see if it turns on and what the problem might be but it seems like its in good working order and has a nice looking BIOS. This computer looks like a good one for Windows 10 and its got the Windows 10 license key on the side as well as an MS Office key.

I haven't tried a hard drive in it yet but it looks like a runner so far.

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As a retro guy this computer is like last years tech to me far from obsolete lol.

Computers don't contain much gold if any at all. I remember youtubers buying up old PC's 486's etc to trash them for there 1 pence worth of gold content. The amount of work it takes to separate the gold from all the other metals is not worth it for a few tiny blobs of gold worth less than a few pence.
If it has a windows 10 sticker on it I'd still describe that as 'modern'
Moore's law is long dead the difference between a 10 year old PC and a new one really isn't that much in most usage circumstances.
Thats what I was thinking because back in 2013 people were using Windows 7. Windows 10 wasn't on the market yet.
I have just fitted an SSD I can't seem to find any BOOT options in the BIOS other than boot from Optical Drive or SSD. No USB BOOT Option?

I don't suppose anybody knows how I can boot from the USB? I have Windows 10 on USB
Have you tried updating the BIOS? Replace the BIOS battery first.
I'm not really a fan of updating BIOS's just encase something goes wrong and I end up with a bricked motherboard. I'm sure its something simple in the settings I need to change.

I may just do Windows 7 Lubuntu dual boot on this machine because Windows 10 is a bit garbage. There is always too much going on with Windows 10 if its not doing updates its doing something else slowing the system down. Windows 7 will be good for offline gaming with MS Office and Lubuntu for the internet side of things. I have both on DVD's.
I figured out the problem this morning. I was trying to boot from a non bootable USB Port. Not all USB ports are bootable on this machine. I got Windows 10 installed and activated straight away. Seeing that I also have an MS Office key I may as well download MS Office. Its very fast. No bad for a free PC.
I've chucked far better PCs than that and many of them. Straight to recycling.
Because dirty old office computers are 10 a penny and for most people not worth the time and effort to try and find a use for. Not that hard to understand.

The sort of cretins you have to deal with on Gumtree/eBay etc....I either sell stuff on the MM or give to a charity shop, or last resort, recyling/bin.

That is a shame. People still pay good money for these on sites like ebay if its a quad core system bidders go crazy for them even if your just selling a motherboard bundle with Ram, processor and cooler. I'd take any old quad core machines if they are going free...
Have you found out the CPU and all the other parts yet?
I have been busy over the past few days so I haven't checked. I did check in the BIOS but there wasn't enough detailed information on the processor other than 3.10 GHz per core I will check it in Windows 10.

I still have my 2500k as my main pc, although I've upgraded the gfx and added an SSD since I bought it.

Modern PC gaming is far too expensive at the moment and I'm not into consoles at all. When this eventually bites the dust I think that I'll bin gaming off entirely.
Desktop PC's are on there way out to becoming obsolete, its all games consoles and portable touchscreen devices these days. I prefer having the game on a disk rather than having to play something online like Steam. I've never used Steam but I would like GTA5 and be able to have it physically on a Blu-ray disk or something where I can install it to a computer and play it with no messing about..
I'm going to look for a few more free PC's and see what they have inside. Its incredible the amount of waste there is literally millions of pounds worth wasted in what could be re-used. Maybe I might find a PC that is capable of running GTA5. Some of these computers that get chucked away are pretty decent with good specs.
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