Another must have product from RA

i was shocked when i saw 1m phono lead for £275 in Richer sounds yesterday.

£275? really?

Seeing such in RS may have been a shock but that's not expensive for an analogue audio lead.... you can reach 2k from some suppliers quite easily should you feel the urge. (I hope to hear some next week from Chord in the National Audio Show.... just out of curiosity :D )
Ah but is it, or is it just carefully worded to give an impression that it does something when in fact the truth is there? If we look at the actual text on the site:

That's likely true, they may have been developing it for two year and now they are proud to launch it.

This one is a mixture of potential truth (proprietary technology, aluminium components and built in UK) along with carefully vague wording, it "represents hours of research into electromagnetic forces" but it makes no claims about doing/treating anything of the sort!

Again, carefully worded, makes no mention at all about how it treats anything, so hard to pin down as fraudulent I'd guess.

and finally the possibly vaguely concealed truth "The activation button illuminates an LED on the front panel; the light goes off when treatment is complete" almost certainly true...and quite possibly exactly how the unit 'works'!

Certainly vague and potentially misleading by implication but from a legal viewpoint I suspect a lot care has been taken to ensure it doesn't directly lie to consumers.

Then all the suggestion that it makes CD's sound better is contained within the "review" so they can claim it isn't their opinion just the view of happy customer or reviewer...
Very cleverly written.... learning from their past mistakes....
So we all decide what we are going to buy at the weekend during the show?... Or perhaps hold a protest outside the door and stop those wealthy people loose their money... :D

I go to point and laugh... :p

Having sold my previous "Yello" mains leads and power blocks, after I finished using them to convert my plugs and leads when I lived in Italy for a couple of years.... Back in the UK couldn't convince myself they were doing anything, perhaps making sound a bit soft and laking sparkle... I got most of my money back via eBay ;)

I do like the high silver content "wonder solder" though, it flows really nice and makes nice good sounding joints.

I'm also looking forward to the Chord cable demo, they have some 2K interconnect leads which people swear by :p

Plus a Linn SPACE+ and EXAKT setup will be on demo with Kudos active speakers, which should be a bit special.

Plus the usual game of trying to find the most outlandish turntable... I want to see a twin contra rotating plater design.... :eek:
On the flip side if all engineers and scientists had such closed minds nothing would get researched or investigated as everyone knows it can't work... Then progress in many fields would have never of happened.
So while the effect in the domestic audio world my not be much, to blanket claim no effect exists could limit the discovery of something that does.....

Problem with some of these companies is instead of solving a really problem, they invent a solution first and then have to find a problem it solves....allegedly.
Do get any quarter for having previously owned it on vinyl and having once owned an LP12 to play it on?

Being fair, I'd not happily put my digital source up against any compably priced (s/h) record decks.

Not really because you sold both off !!! That was just careless :p

Can say I've never shed any vinyl.... still have my complete collection of Adam and the Ants on 7 and12" bought on the day of releases... LOL
I can report I only found a couple of elderly brown tweed visitors in the RA room at NAS yesterday :D ...... Didn't spot the CD enhancer though, but then my Foo meter was going off the scale so only had limited exposure time available to me...
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