another newbie question???

28 Dec 2002
Northern Ireland
hi guys,
i have noticed when i maximise my window it does not actually maximise it, it leaves the dock showing at the bottom of the screen???

is there a way to fully maximise it???

yes and that works but i want it to be shown on the desktop at all time i dont the auto-hide option but i want my windows to be fully maximised
yes and that works but i want it to be shown on the desktop at all time i dont the auto-hide option but i want my windows to be fully maximised

OS X doesn't full maximise (unless the app has a built in "full screen feature" ala Photoshop fullscreen, iPhoto fullscreen et al) but what you are describing wouldn't really work anyway - the bottom 1/2 inch of the app would be underneath the dock, unaccessible and you would always be accidently clicking on the dock!

yes and that works but i want it to be shown on the desktop at all time i dont the auto-hide option but i want my windows to be fully maximised

You'll have to explain what you want more, that don't make sense? You want the window to stretch the full width and height of the screen, yet you want the dock there too? As mentioned above, the window would be behind the dock then... thats no use to anyone? Thats the same as having a window go behind the taskbar on Windows?

What do you mean by maximise? If you mean, the green "+" doesn't fully maximise the window, then yes, thats a Mac thing, some apps do, others don't.
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