Another Oblivion : The Elder Scrolls Question (Thieving)

12 Dec 2005
Hello, and thanks for reading another help thread :D.

Im a thief on Oblivion, and to get money, i guess you have to break into peoples houses and steal there things.

The guild master or who ever he is, says that you CAN NOT kill any one on the job, so how had you supposed to go into there houses and steal something, with out them getting the guards?

Please help.

- Denic
go after midnight when there asleep :D

Also find the quest for the skeleton key, +40 security skill and it never breaks (lockpicking)
Wayn0r said:
go after midnight when there asleep :D

Also find the quest for the skeleton key, +40 security skill and it never breaks (lockpicking)

When i go in there house, wont i wake them?

Will i have to walk instead of run?

Cheers mate!

- Denic
Use sneak mode and walk. Depending on how high your sneak skill is you might be able to get away with running in sneak mode too.
roid said:
Use sneak mode and walk. Depending on how high your sneak skill is you might be able to get away with running in sneak mode too.

Ahh, thanks. I never thought about using speak.

What if they do wake up on me? Will i be arrested?

Is there a way i can make them NOT to wake up on me?
If you are caught by the guards, just select "resist arrest" and get yourself to one of the Doyen people as fast as you can. Then you can just pay off your bounty. Thieving doesn't get you that high of a bounty anyway, so it should be cheap to pay off.

If you get caught during the day, however, you'll have to run out of the city, and lose the guards, and come back at night to pay off your bounty.
raz0rr said:
If you are caught by the guards, just select "resist arrest" and get yourself to one of the Doyen people as fast as you can. Then you can just pay off your bounty. Thieving doesn't get you that high of a bounty anyway, so it should be cheap to pay off.

If you get caught during the day, however, you'll have to run out of the city, and lose the guards, and come back at night to pay off your bounty.

One time i didnt know what bounty was, i had to pay 500 GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a rip off!

Oh well, back to stealing.

- Denic
If you get a massive bounty on you head is it worth going to jail so you can lower your skills allowing you to level high. That's what a lot of people did in Morrowind.
WatchTower said:
If you get a massive bounty on you head is it worth going to jail so you can lower your skills allowing you to level high. That's what a lot of people did in Morrowind.

Dam im sick of this, i try to steal and when i exit the place ive stole from, the ghuard comes out at me!!

- Denic
There's a mod to stop the guards being psychic. I always seem to get away with it though. Someone said if you get sent to jail, there's a room where you can steal all your confiscated stuff back from.
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