Another OC check thread - need assurance

13 Sep 2012
Just OC'd my FX 4100 this evening and would appreciate it if you guys could check and advise?.

It's currently at 4.2ghz and 1.4125V and that's on stock heatsink, after 30 minutes of prime95.

As you can see from the screenshot below max temp is at 56*C which is not amazing but at the same time would not say is bad considering tj max is 80/81*C.

Don't really want to exceed 4.2 on stock HSF but I think I can drop the voltage down a couple of steps. Any constructive criticism would be helpful :)

Here's an update I'm now on 4.4Ghz with the same Vcore and another 30min Prime95 temps went up by about 4-5*C and this is on the stock fan still. I'm going to drop the Vcore to 1.4V see how that goes and then 1.3875V see if it likes that. If not I'll drop it back to 4.2Ghz until I've got my HR-02 on there.

Without starting a new anyone able to recommend an alternative monitoring software which has a reliable Vcore reading? I've set it to 1.3875V but this doesnt show in either CPU-Z nor Coretemp.
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