Antec 902 front panel

10 Aug 2009
I want to mod the power switch on the 902 to one of these,


Thing is I have no idea how I would get the front panel off or if it is even possible. Could someone shed some light on how I would set about doing this. Also does anyone know of a UK supplier of these toggle switches that are momentary?
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Well I don't have any pictures to demonstrate, so ill try and explain the best I can, but to get access to the cables that you need, you will need to remove the top panel.

1) Unscrew and remove both sides panels of the case
2) Now look inside the case at the top, just next to your 200mm big boy fan there should be 1 or 2 small screws with what looks like a metal circle around them. Remove the screw(s).
3)Here is the hard bit (to explain at least), then you need to push the 4 clips in with some force, which are located on the insides of the top of the case, you might need to feel around for them with your fingers first until you can see what exactly they are (took me a while to figure out where they were on my first try)
4) If you have pushed the clips in correctly then you should be able to tug on the top panel and it will come off.
5) From there, you have access to your big boy 200mm fan and the cables for power/reset/usb etc.

Good luck and in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, then this diagram should help.

Hope it works for you, and give us a photo once your mod is done :)
I'm pretty sure that wont work, the power switch on the case isn't on/off, it completes a circuit when you press it in, and when you release it breaks the circuit again.

With that switch you would have to switch it on then back off to get the same thing.
Rainagul - Wow thanks, I would never of guessed to do that... but the pic you linked to is of the antec 900, do you know if the 902 is similiar?

andy mk3 - The on/off switch for a PC is momentary, I would need a toggle switch which is momentary, I don't think the pic is of one.
I only have an Antec 900 myself, so I have no experience with the 902, your just gonna have to go look inside and see if its the same, however I'd be willing to bet that the 900 and the 902 share the same design for the top panel removal.

i have an antec 902 and one of my front usb ports has become faulty, im in the process of getting a replacement front i/o panel from antec, and wanted to know detailed instructions on how to replace it?

im a n00b , so any help would be very much appreciated

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