Antec 902 Side panel window mod

13 May 2009
Has anyone done the window mod on the Antec 902 side panel? The one I am talking about is the one that TJHarlow has done on his 1200 and a 902 he shipped. Anyway what I'm going to ask is, where do you get all the materials for this? And how much it will cost to get it done for me? I haven't even ordered the system yet but I'm just trying to price everything so I can keep in my budget. Any help guys will be greatly appreciated.
Antec 902 Window MOD

Im in the UK and i have done this mod as TJ Harlow off you tube. It has clear acrylic for the window, using some of the scotch mounting tape to keep it in place.

You can email me at [email protected] if you would like any further info or have questions etc.

Please see the attached pics. Note the front bezel inbetween the fans, one has the foam filter thing inside, the other appears clear. this is acrylic too.



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That looks great - my 'stock' 902 is a great case, but I have been disappointed with the side panel - so this is food for thought.
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Definitely, I haven't got a side fan on mine (watercooled cpu and graphics) the case air flow is excellent without it. I was considering removing the black mesh part and just putting some acrylic there, but this looks a lot better.
Hi peeps i have tried e-mailing thom but no reply so if anyone in the u.k can help me with source for buying the acrylic,mounting tape and rubber seal it would be much appreciated ;) Plan on posting pics when done.
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