Antec Nine Hundred 3.5" Drive Question

11 Aug 2003
How do I install a 3.5" card reader (same size as a floppy drive) in my Antec Nine Hundred case. I see it comes with a 5.25" drive cover with 3.5" cut out, but there are no rails or anything to screw it together. :confused:

Since this thread asks pretty much the same question I have, but got no replies last time, I shall revive it!

Does anyone with this case know how to get the floppy drive into the tray and into it's cage with the front panel covering the gap?

I've tried every which way but the bezel will just not fit over the tray and there arn't enough screwholes to put the tray back in the case any further.

Anyone who's solved this please help! The instruction manual gives a very "helpful" 4 line set of instructions and a grainy diagram for this particular step.
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It is pretty confusing, the plastic tray has 2 ways around. it does fit one way round only, but im not taking mine out to photograph it as it took me ******* ages to get it in there. The only downside is that the plastic easily strips if you tighten it too much. But it does definately fit, its just difficult.

The plastic tray lines up with the back of the case as opposed to the front. So the holes definately line up one way or another.

Edit: And the bezel screws to the case, not the tray
finally got it in... I had it upside down :o The word "tray" implied you put the floppy drive on it not the other way round, lol. Stupid manuals.

Thanks for the advice. :)

Oh, since I hijacked the OP's thread a little...

It sounds like you're missing the "tray" that the 3.5 drive slots into, although after 3 months you've probably already figured it out.
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Hahaha. I had sort of forgotten about it. I must have another look. It would be very handy to get the card reader in there. :)
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