Antec Nine Hundred Ultimate Gaming case

Then my next question is, I want to pimp my akasa eclipse-62. Side window, some switchable on/off neon lightening/ and anythign else which looks good/serves a good prupose..#

Where can i order side window from ?
it comes down to taste really and if you are in your machine a lot then space is a bouns! as long as a case can fit a G80 with a little room to spare you should be okay.
Im no doubt going to order this case.

£70-£75 is my budget, and I like this case, I mean its good for my budget ya?
Eclipse is better and only slightly more.

@ OP: How do lights serve a purpose? :p Buy the window, tidythe cables up if they aren't already and some white cold cathodes. Anything more than that is OTT (imo, of course)
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