Antec NSK1300 ATX Cube Case - 300W PSU (CA-059-AN)

You will be right on the limit of that PSU, case could handle it fine but the PSU may be at its limit.
Its a rebuilt Aria... Nice little case. You may struggle on airflow though as when the GFX card gors in it creates a cell that struggles to dissapate heat away from the CPU Area...
The PSU should be ok to run a system like that as average peak load consumption will probably be around the 230W mark for the whole system, assuming stock values.

But don't count on it surviving spiking/pitching if you're playing a game, or lasting a long while if you're going to be CS-Source'ing 24/7. But - as long as the 12V rail is up to the job then you should be ok.
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