Antec P180

7 Nov 2005
Hello all,

I've been reading some reviews of the Antec P180. It looks like a well built case, however I'm unsure on the PSU bit.

Would I only be able to use a PSU that doesn't have a bottom fan? Don't PSUs draw air in from their back fan?

I have a Hyper Modular and from the looks of that design I wouldn't be able to use it with this case. Is that true?

Thanks for your help.
Most PSU's are compatible with this case - the psu isn't a problem as you can mount it either way, what may be a problem is the length of the 4 pin atx cable - it needs to be fairly long to stretch if your atx port is at the top of the motherboard which most times it is.
Also the fan near the PSU could be bit problem with cables coming out from the PSU, so need to route them around or remove the fan.
I dont run the fan in front of the PSU and think it is only really necessary for silent PSU's. The cable length can be a big problem though as W3bbo says so make sure they are long enough or find a vendor who can provide an extender.
Great case though!
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