Antec Super Lanboy Case mods

18 Oct 2002
Calling all Antec Super Lanboy owners... past and present !

my front fan has started to make a nasty grinding noise... anyone here replaced that fan for something else that still fits inside the front grill? not fussed if it doesn't have an LED in it, just want a quiet, high cfm fan to cool my HDD's behind it...

Also.. has anyone ever put any fans in the side window? thinking about 2x 80mm fans over the gfx cards to keep them nice and cool :cool:
okie doke.. my plan was 2 80 MM fans.... both blowing in...

what did you do with the front fan? im soon going to have 4 HDDs there (74 gig raptor boot, 250 gig 7200.10 and 2x either 500 gig samsung spinpoints or 750 gig 7200.10s.... want to make sure theres adequate cooling for them !
im tempted to put an antec amber there, but looking at the grill behind, it looks pretty restrictive... might cut it out to aid airflow
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