Anti Static Sheets

Any electrical componants store (as much as I can probably say and stay within the rules).

I picked one up years ago and it's really handy as it means I can use virtually any surface for laying out parts on :)
david.n.c said:
Hey Guys where can i get anti static sheets from??? large enough to put a mobo on ...
In all seriousness (not being cheeky), i've always found the anti-static bags Mobos come good for working on. Not sure about the actual anti-static properties of that however...
But the mobo is supposed to be inside the bag not sat on top ;)

Although I just stick the mobo on top of the bag and never had a problem. :)
WolfR1der said:
In all seriousness (not being cheeky), i've always found the anti-static bags Mobos come good for working on. Not sure about the actual anti-static properties of that however...

Be careful, the outside of those bags is conductive.
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