
Other tips for OSX include going to System Preferences > Sharing and disable any unused services, turning the firewall on and going to Safari > Preferences > General and turning off "Open safe files after downloading" which is quite possibly the dumbest default option I've ever seen. is free. What do you want antivirus software for? :p

The only thing i could think of is if he deals with a lot of windows files, in which case , it would detect and remove the viruses instead of passing them onto other windows computers. But then again most email systems scan attachments for viruses anyway...for normal users I see no reason to use anti-virus on a mac :)
Yes im a switcher but, I have VMware with bootcamp installed as I need to use visual studio and sql server and although the mac wouldn't get infected it doesn't mean the windows side of it won't
I am switcher as well and I am getting my Mac Pro tomorrow and not having antivirus installed is probably going make it feel like I am having unprotected sex. :(
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