
I use ClamXav and Aware Medic. Both are on demand scanners rather than real time thingies. I run them as and when I remember. I tried Kaspersky a few years ago; it was worse than any malware.
Wouldn't bother still not required these days. Just ensure you keep flash/java/shockwave/Silverlight updated.

But if you're not careful, you'll end up with adware on your mac if you click through all the continue buttons when installing java now as the ask search adware is now included in the installer.
In 22 years of Mac use, looking after a campus of ~200 Macs, ~900 users - I've never seen a virus that is a threat to the macs - but have seen mac users download or bring in windows viruses and have them stored in their home folders.
They were benign, but could be passed on to Windows users/computers so we do run ClamXAV on the OS X file-servers and delete these windows virus files which were mostly .exe downloads (sometimes in ZIPs) and malicious Office Macros.

If you do a lot of file exchanges with different Windows users you could install ClamXAV as a matter of politeness but I really would let them take responsibility for their own computers.
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