Any Alizee Fan's??

Most people at work think that I didn't say "no" to the Philipa Hole blow up doll they got me for my 21st, but i can assure you, nothing happened, honest!! :p

Nah, but I've always been a fan of Alizee since i saw moi...Lolita on The Box, really love her voice, even if I don't understand a word she says (atleast I can't get bored of the lyrics :p ).

But yeah, she is stunning, and I can't believe you might have a cousin who went to school with her, lucky sonofa........
Oh, just a note guys, we are most likely being watched by the attentive eye's of the Alizee-Forum people, so best for forward please :D

Any Alizee fans should check the forum out, it's an ok place to hang (no where near as busy as this place though).
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