Any bikers out there?

31 Dec 2003

Been looking at doing my direct access and jumping on a bike. Nothing too powerful as I dont want to die just yet!!!

No idea what safety gear to go for really. Been looking around and reading a few reviews. I was very suprised to find that Dainese and Alpine star didnt very well for the 2 part leather review in ride mag some months back. They were the ones i was looking at!!

What do people think of HIDEOUT leathers?
Also a good helmet SHOEI XR1000?
Gloves (Havent got a clue)
Back Support (Havent got a clue)
Boots SID Vertigo.

I dont know anything about this stuff, and I could really do with some advice from people who have personal experience. I have only being going on what the books say and I dont want to buy the wrong stuff.

Personal safety is very important. If you have any personal experiences falling off etc and how your safety equipment held out that would be ace

Cheers Guys and Girlz

Any Advice and Opinions welcome
Cheers guys. If anymore of you want to post that would be ace. I am trying to get a good picture of things and general kit advice before buying.

I dont really know what I want yet in regard to bike

Maybe an SV650s or Suzuki GSR600 although I cant afford more than £3000 so the second one is out of the question at the moment
Hi guys,

I am thinking I may go for some Frank Thomas 2 piece leathers or spend the extra and get some Hidout 2 piece. Some of you have concerned me about remarking on the zip's on the frank thomas leathers

Do you think its worth spending the extra for the hidout leathers?

Cheers guys. You have been a great help.

Feel free to post your advice. I will keep checking the new posts to get further advice.

Probably going to go and buy a GOOD lid, gloves and boots on Saturday.

Leathers I am still not sure. I dont know whether to buy £1000 hidout leathers or go for some Frank Thomas or something. I really dont know what to do

Ride gives the HIDOUT 21/21 where as the best others only get 13 tops. Can you really put a price on safety?

My head is hurting too many numbers !
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