Any bored photoshoppers want to do me a quick favour? Didnt think so :(

29 Dec 2004
Hi everyone,

Im doing a bit of work on my site and no matter how hard i try i am no good at designing little images that i can use to represent various topics my site will be based on. I have been trying for the past couple of hours to come up with something i can use for my "News" topic that is 65x65pixels in size, relates to News, and does'nt look like complete rubbish!

My best attempt so far is a little newspaper with "News" at the bottom - but its all jaggedy at the edges because its edges are transparent and it just looks like i have stolen some clipart from MS...

Any photoshoppers out there that can whack me up something that is'nt a complete disaster?!

Thanks in advance :)
Considering this is my best effort:


Anything better would be greatly appreciated...

The site is here , anything that fit with the dark grey/green theme would be good. Thanks for any help you can give...
Vintage_Geek said:
Any good?


Thanks for that mate, not too shabby - will stick it up and mention your name in a thankyou page when i sort the rest of the site out...if anyone else has anything id appreciate it - non-transparent is fair enough, the background colour i have chosen is in use on the site.
Nothing wrong with transparency. If using photoshop just set the Matte colour to the desired background colour. Blends it nicely.
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