Any Business Analysts here?.... looking for some interview prep advice

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20 Sep 2003
Hi All,

I know I posted just last week about preparing for a BA interview which I am awaiting feedback on. In meantime I have another and this one comes with a brief and a task that I need to present back. I have some ideas on it but was wondering if anyone could tell me how they would go about it?

  • Company x is a payment platform that provides payment services to businesses.
  • Company x’s customers use our platform to make and receive bank transfers, and create bank accounts, enabling them to automate and streamline their operations.
  • Company x’s client base is made up of clients in multiple sectors including financial services, employment and payroll and software, who broadly split in two categories; “Direct Clients” who are using the Company x accounts themselves for their own funds and business purposes, and “Partners” who issue Company x accounts on to their end customers (who may be consumers or businesses) and manage those accounts on behalf of their customers.
  • Most clients utilise the Company x service via an API integration, and access the Company x UI for admin and reporting purposes.
Brief: Customer Need
  • We currently offer accounts in two currencies (GBP and EUR), based on feature demand we would like to offer our customers the capability to exchange currencies between their accounts, and to make international payments in EUR
  • To make this case study interview manageable assume that Company x would partner with TransferWise API to get FX pricing, UK GBP payments would be fulfilled by Company x. EUR payments would be fulfilled by TransferWise.
  • Please note this is a case study only.
Brief: Outputs Expected
  • Prepare Epics and Stories for consumption by development
  • Your presentation should cover:
  • An overview of the product and it’s key features
  • A list of internal and external stakeholders impacted by the feature
  • Epics
  • Stories – detailed as appropriate
  • The presentation material should be no longer than 30mins.
  • The presentation will have a informal setting, i.e. sitting down with questions from the panel throughout.
  • Overall, the case interview will last approx. 45mins (with questions) and will be followed by a panel interview.
  • Please plan to spend 90mins with us followed by any informal interviews.

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