Any C# programmers here?

5 Sep 2020
Would love to hear what you think of C#

I used to programme in VB6/VB.NET a while back. I decided to have a look at c# recently. It's early days but so far it's been okay. I think familiarity with Visual Studio helps; even though it's evolved significantly since I used it last, not having to learn to use an IDE while also learning a new language simplifies the task a lot.
It’s hard to say anything particularly tangible really... C# just feels “cleaner” to work with, whereas VB’s syntax feels “clunky” and less intuitive.
It will probably all compile down to the same IL, so there’s probably sod all difference in performance.
Interesting. I like VB so if C# is better in these respects then maybe learning C# will be smoother and potentially more productive.

It's far too early in my c# learing curve to express anything more than an early impression, but so far it feels more comforable than previous experiences learning a new language. On reflection this might be because I'm using Visual Studio and because c# is part of the Microsoft development ecosystem rather than anything to do with the language itself.
Been doing quite a bit of reading about this since you told me it was in RC stage and apparently it is due to be released on the 10th of November 2020. I'm going to hold off installing anything until that point. I have enough on my plate as it is anyway so waiting for a month or so won't be hard.
What do you see as the main advantages of .Net 5?
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