Any Cat Stevens/Yusaf Islam fans here?

4 Sep 2005
Got a copy of The Very Best Of Cat Stevens and am listening to it loads now. Really good stuff.

I particularly like Where Do The Children play. :D But I suppose I'm not alone in that... Can't wait to see him at Glastonbury (if he plays in the end).

So, anyone else on here a fan? :)
I've been listening to him for years and I used to play in a band with my Dad and we used to do Moonshadow, Morning Has Broken and First Cut Is The Deepest.
Last year I helped a band out while their singer had an operation and they did an awesome rock version of Wild World which was done by Me First And The Gimme Gimmes.

The daft bugger turned to Islam and sold all his gear and gave up music.
I think it was last year that his elders told him to get back into it and he released a new album.

recommended listening - Tea For The Tillerman
Without Googling I just remember him turning to Islam and putting faith before music. I can even remember when he put all his gear up for sale.
He had become a leading light in the Muslim world and didn't have time for music until last year.
I don't think the album did very well.
I've got a good live DVD of him called Majikat. Its a very old concert transferred to DVD.
To be honest there he was an original with a quality voice.

BTW, I got my hands on Tommy Emmanuels Live At Ballarat DVD last week - your fault :D
Thats 4 DVDs I've got of him now because of you.
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