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Any chance of a GTX2080 or GTX2080ti?

13 Jul 2009
Serious question?

For some people they are already convinced on not wanting an RTX card whether they think its just a gimmick or they think the performance is not good enough or whatever. I am one of these people but im not going to judge those that bought it. I personally feel that the cards are too expensive and from the early ray tracing results, that performance hit is too much (although this may improve in time with new drivers) and therefore even if I bought one i'll likely not really use the feature so effectively i would be paying over the odds for something not required.

I guess similar to when Microsoft released the XBOX and forced people to buy it with the Kinect. If you didnt want it TOUGH! (Think im correct with this?) leaving many in an awkward predicament. But they ultimately changed their minds I guess when sales werent good enough and sold it without the Kinect.

I think many of us are stuck now on what to do. I was hoping for the GTX1080ti to drop to like £350-450 area, a bit like the GTX980ti I got from OCUK brand new for £350 in May 2016. Unfortunately with the price hike of the new gpus it has meant no such price drop for the GTX1080ti. Now your asked to still pay full whack for a 2 year old card which is rapidly disappearing from the shelves or pay a premium for something you kinda dont want making for a very disappointing upgrade path.

Now if you want Raytracing go buy a RTX & enjoy. But if you don't want it would Nvidia consider the possibility of grabbing the market that wants to upgrade but isnt convinced with raytracing? Perhaps offer a GTX2080 & GTX2080ti offering same performance at a more affordable price? Im sure there would be many takers
13 Jul 2009
If only NVidia had a competitor..

I know, I know... But if you are so disillusioned by them there just so happens to be a sale on AMD Vega 64's atm :D

As I have a gtx980ti I feel the only upgrade path is gtx1080ti or RTX. I was hoping probably like many to getting a gtx1080ti for the £400 area or getting a new card but I was expecting rtx2080ti performance at more like £700 area. I would have certainly bought one at that price with or without ray tracing but now stuck in no mans land :). It'll be more waiting (dam already been over 2 years bbooooo)
13 Jan 2018
As I have a gtx980ti I feel the only upgrade path is gtx1080ti or RTX. I was hoping probably like many to getting a gtx1080ti for the £400 area or getting a new card but I was expecting rtx2080ti performance at more like £700 area. I would have certainly bought one at that price with or without ray tracing but now stuck in no mans land :). It'll be more waiting (dam already been over 2 years bbooooo)
only real option is to go second hand then and even then you may struggle to find a 1080 ti at the £400 mark
24 Dec 2005
As I have a gtx980ti I feel the only upgrade path is gtx1080ti or RTX. I was hoping probably like many to getting a gtx1080ti for the £400 area or getting a new card but I was expecting rtx2080ti performance at more like £700 area. I would have certainly bought one at that price with or without ray tracing but now stuck in no mans land :). It'll be more waiting (dam already been over 2 years bbooooo)

VEGA 64 £399
13 Jul 2009
So there is no way Nvidia can release a gtx2080ti? No way risking 2nd hand. Will hope some miracle black Friday deal on rtx2080 or hope a random crate of lost gtx1080ti appear at a good price in next few months.
19 Oct 2008
Given Nvidia has just missed on earnings, maybe they'll start some decent discounts soon for those considering an upgrade. I wouldn't bet on it but you never know. Gaming earnings were lower than expected. The mining boom to bust affected Nvidia too this quarter, as it did AMD when they announced their results.
SOme good prices on AMD stuff right now here at OCUK. Will Nvidia join in?
13 Jul 2009
What res are you at ?

1440p. Moneys not the issue, its the principle with the new cards. Hindsights a wonderful thing. Wish i sold the GTX980ti the day GTX1080ti came out, although the GTX980ti has been & still is a wonderful card (especially for the money i paid for it). Just been 2.5 years since upgraded gpu so getting the itch & feels like been stuck/sided graded on a main system for quite literally pretty much a decade since the I7920 switched to Sandy I5....Now its coming up to black friday and really tempted with a full new system to start a fresh again. Maybe ill grab a bundle & stick with the current gpu. But i may just go dormant again. Anyway, off topic, i was more curious whether Nvidia would release such a card that is all :)
13 Jan 2018
Ahh get what your asking now - a gtx version. I have not seen any rumours that nv will release non rtx version. 2080 non rtx would just be 1080 ti anyway. There might be a titan rtx coming out and probably a 2060 gtx but that is all that is going round the mill at the minute
24 Dec 2005
Ahh get what your asking now - a gtx version. I have not seen any rumours that nv will release non rtx version. 2080 non rtx would just be 1080 ti anyway. There might be a titan rtx coming out and probably a 2060 gtx but that is all that is going round the mill at the minute

Releasing a none RTX version would be losing face for Nvidia
13 Sep 2013
1080ti all day long. It'll pump out the frames with ease below 4k and an actual upgrade from 980ti rather than a side step.

I'm usually a generation upgrader but sitting out this time around. I think it'll take a couple of years for it all to mellow out and mature. We've got 144hz 4k monitors but still no gpu to drive them, nvlink excluded due to the niche amount of games that can take advantage.

RTX is boasting new tech which is testing new waters and sounds like it needs time for development on both sides before becoming beneficial to us. It'll max 120hz UW for some games but for most the difference between that and a solid 100hz on 1080ti isn't worth the premium.

RTX has inadvertently propped 1080ti prices up but that's not a bad thing. Might have to cough up 5-600 quid for one but resale is strong. Better to take a 100-150 quid hit over a year than the hundreds rtx early adopters will loose when they upgrade next gen for a card that (hopefully) ticks all boxes with monitors to suit, at a realistic price level.

Can't see RTX having good resale at all when next gen drops, if it's matured well. It can't do 144hz 4k, it can't do 200hzUW (barely 120hz looking at benches). Next gen will surely be knocking on 100hz+ 4k, 144hz+ uw, rtx is in no man's land imo.

Don't get me wrong, rtx is still a beast of a card, I just think as of right now, it's just not quite there yet regardless of pricing.
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
16 Jun 2004
I'd save another £100 and get a Vega 56, the performance difference between 56 & 64 isn't worth £100, especially at this stage in their lifecycle.
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