Any decent battle tank games?

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Ive a hankering to play a tank game for some reason. Any recommendations? Last one I enjoyed was probably M1 Tank Platoon by Microprose, way back in the days of Pentium III stuff. :D

Can’t think of anything recent but what’s worth having a pop at?

I'll give World of Tanks a go, our little lad has it on his Xbone. I'd prefer something that wasn't multiplayer though, more of a simulation or something with an SP campaign was what I had in mind. I played something years ago possibly on an old Playstation that had you running between hedgerows in Normandy to eliminate enemy tanks in a sort of war of attrition type deal but I cannot for the life of me recall what it was called.
Ahh......didn't realise there was a difference between console and PC World of Tanks, cheers chaps. Battlezone might be a good shout, will have a look at that.
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