Any Decent Games To Play?

9 Dec 2006
Looking for a new Game Action/Shooter Or even just a good RPG (non iso-metric)

Games i like:
Witcher 2/3
Sleeping Dogs
Mafia II
Shadow of Mordor
Watch Dogs
AC Black Flag

Cannot be from any of These Developers:
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PUBG and guild wars 2 (morph mind) are my current addictions

GTA V if you've not tried it? And for shooters insurgency is cracking.

May I ask why not Bethesda? Skyrim would be worth at least a play through on the SE edition?
GTA V finished 3 times
Insurgency was fun When it was out is it still popular?

Bethesda is a terrible company.

Release huge buggy games & let their Community Fix it Oh And all their games have Floating Camera mode...
Yeah INS is pretty active online. I really enjoy it.

But PUBG is where it's at at the moment!

And fair enough on your Bethesda opinion. Shame as skyrim is a good game.

The only game like that, or along them lines is kingdom come:deliverance that I'm looking forward to

PUBG just looks like a 5 minute wonder fad like every over Survival game Eg Day/Others
Not really sure survival games are a fad considering how old DayZ is (and it still has a reasonably active community despite the stand alone being an utter cluster ****) Not sure a 5 minute wonder fad shifts 4 million copies in early access, but you never know. Happy to say I've already got my monys worth out of the game, so even if it died tomorrow I wouldn't feel like i'd wasted my money as it the most fun i've had in ages.

i'm just going by my friends & community i play with.
they will all go you must play x, its the best ever blah blah. 1 week or so later maybe 2-3 weeks, yeh we don't play that now we playing this new x game its better more fun.

5 minute fad. it might be a good game, but ill wait for the hype to settle.

everyone played dayz for maybe a Month, then they realised what a buggy mess it was and never played it again.
Probably best to not buy any games then as you fully expect to drop a game after 5 minutes, not sure anything is going to hold your attention. (as simi says maybe a break is a good idea) considering there are still around 2k people on average playing ARMA 2 (most likely Dayz) and 5k people playing actual Dayz i'd say your point that everyone only played it for a month is not exactly accurate.

If the people you play with hop from game to game that quick then go for single player games, Both of the newer Deus Ex games are very good, good story and should keep you engaged.

thats what i have been doing put 480 hours into witcher,

currently trying Mafia III but i cant play deus EX it has floating camera syndrome. so cant play it...
If you haven't yet, grab Red Dead Redemption for PS3, GOTY edition includes Undead Nightmare.
finished RDR, one of my favs.. cant wait for 2, would even buy a PS4/xbox to play it

New Hitman is fantastic.


Dishonored 2.

Homefront: The Revolution.

Get on any of these, all great.

Prey, not sure id like it., seems very odd, but will look into it.
Dishonored - Bethesda - No way + floating camera syndrome:
Home front - will look at

i have to agree with smogsy, theres tons of games that have been so over hyped then after a month or 2 people move on.. DayZ standalone is a good example.. that sold tons real quick, i even bought the early access... i think i tried it 2 or 3 times and not touched it since..
or what about H1Z1.. lol

these things get hyped up by youtubers and people fall for it, then the next shiny thing comes along and suddenly thats the best seller
PUBG is nothing new, theres been plenty of arma2 mods that played the exact same way, looks the same too

to get back on topic though, what about the borderlands series? great FPS games if you can get past the style of graphics
also the recent wolfenstein games new order/old blood are both fun (published by bethesda but not developed by them)
BOrderlands i tried it for about 2 hours, but seems really slow never went back

Wallenstein i tried ages ago, didnt grip me though
Have to say..... your a picky guy ain't you!

I also have no idea what this floating camera syndrome is that the likes of dishonoured has?
im not picky but i hate floating camera.
in the video you can clearly see the camera moves sharply, with sometimes no Audio feedback & worst of all you get instances were you see nothing of your human self. eg floating camera syndrome.

Any interest in Euro/American truck sim or Spintires?
got both Put probably 300 hours into truck sim, love it :)
hmm having a look through my steam list for non bethesda..
Mad max
dying light
dead island riptide
metro 2033 + metro last light << amazing games
company of heroes 1 + 2 << great rts games
bioshock 1/2/3
Bioshock - completed all
Dyling Light - maybe... ill look into it
Mad Max - loved it but cant play it due to rockstar .... up with my account. (need to rebuy it though on a diff platform)
dead island - was horrid
Metro - i have it, may have to retry
COH - 1 was good 2 was bad.

Bioshock series is a must and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series.
Stalker hmm ill look into it
Ha! Borderlands seems a bit slow.


And yeah I've no idea what this floating camera thing is! Explain yourself! :D

Right - I get it now! You prefer to be able to see your feet/hands. The jerkiness though is entirely down to YOUR input though!?

the 2 hours i played just had a robot shouting in my ear...

regarding the floating camera, pretty much. but i also want to feel/hear my feet not just be spun around. the jerkiness is the no feedback.

You can take most floating camera games & feel no feedback what so ever, might as well be watching a film
E.G. this crap
  • you feel just like a feather holding a camera.
  • you don't know if your a heavy dude or a 80lb women
  • you spin on the spot in a instant
  • you have no feedback from your feet or impact on the ground
  • you might as well be in god mode in any game. flying high in to sky...
  • you might as well be a spectator...
Take a Good Floating Camera Game

  • you feel what you weigh
  • you dont spin on the spot you pan smoothly
  • you feel & hear every footstep be it skates heavy pounds or light footstep
  • every jump & movement gives you feedback
XCOM 2 and Metal Gear solid Phantom Pain. Know you said no EA, Ubisoft and Bethesda, but you did list two Ubisoft games and both do some decent games! So in that light Mass Effect Series is also pretty great and started initially when Bioware was standalone as did Dragon age Origins.
yeh i did, but that was in the past. Not any more..
Hey the guys entitled to his opinions/way of playing. Even if he is a fussy pants (just kidding mate)

I haven't read the whole thread but have you been through the far cry series?

Maybe try a different genre? I've been playing guild wars 2 for years now and just got my mate into it who doesn't like fantasy nor mmos but is really enjoying the Pve and wvw in this
i played guild wars for a few years, farcry = Ubisoft, no thanks :)
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