Any Descent fans?

18 Oct 2002
Hello, got a slightly strange request, and wondering if there are any fans of the game Descent who might be able to help.

I want to register for the Descent forum, as there's a thread on there regarding USB-gameport adapters for the MS Sidewinder 3d Pro, and the only way to contact guys making them to order is to reply on the thread. Unfortunately there's a Descent-specific question to answer when registering, & I was wondering if anyone could help?

I won't post the Q until someone replies in the affirmative, to protect their security questions....


The Noctua NF-F12 is a decent fan, I have three on my top radiator. Oh, hang on, no. Descent fans, I see. I have never played this game sorry, though I know it was a 3D tunnel shooty DOS game. I wonder how long you will hold out before you just post the question, it must be something really specific.

I have maintained a vague interest over the years in gameport to USB adaptors for the Microsoft controllers as I have a MS Force Feedback Pro joystick, a MS Force Feedback steering wheel, and a MS Sidewinder 1.0 Gamepad up in the loft. I have seen various cable splice projects and one with an Arduino control board to convert them to USB. But since I managed to get the USB versions of the joystick and wheel from Microsoft for nowt back in the day, I have just put them in the loft to be cannibalised for spares when the USB ones break down.
I used to love descent back in 95, I doubt I could remember enough about it to answer many questions though lol
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Loved the original. We used to play a LAN game of Decent with 6 or so players every lunchtime back in the day. We all payed with the Keyboard and/or mouse.

You might better looking at the legacy flight sim forums for USB-gameport adapters for the MS Sidewinder 3d Pro.

I think it might be time to move on though...

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